SP Ltd «Farmavit» was registered 20.10.1993 on the basis of blood transfusion station in Minsk. Initially there were rented space in a research laboratory for the production of biospecific hemosorbent "Ovosorb" ("Hemo-proteazsorb®")
In 1994, a module for hemosorption (МН) was developed. MH today successfully applied SP Ltd«Farmavit» for the production of non-selective and biospecific adsorbents for blood
September 9, 2000 SP Ltd «Farmavit» was reorganized in SP ALC “Farmavit” and received the Certificate №674
Since 2002-2014 SP ALC “Farmavit” was at Minsk, st. AK Krasin, 99 SSI "Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research - Sosny" of NAS of Belarus, production area rented from self-financing pilot plant IBOСH NASB
In 2005 hemosorbent "Ovosorb" ("Hemo-proteazsorb®") registered in Ukraine
In 2006, in the ЕЕ"Belarusian State Medical University" signed an agreement on the transfer of rights to the production system "Sufokop®". SP ALC “Farmavit” today is the sole manufacturer of this system designed for ultraviolet blood irradiation
In 2009, it recorded and produced "Gemosbel®", which has been successfully used in medical practice health facilities of Belarus
In 2008, "Ovosorb" ("Hemo-proteazsorb®") is registered in the territory of the Russian Federation
In 2010, SP ALC “Farmavit” concluded a cooperation agreement with SSI "Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
Since 2013 SP ALC “Farmavit” together with SSI "Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" is involved in the implementation of the Republic of Belarus State Programme for Innovative Development Project for 2011 - 2015 "Development of production (area) for the production of hemosorbents". The project was listed as the most important projects that are decisive importance for the innovative development of the Republic of Belarus
Since 2014 SP ALC “Farmavit” sells biospecific ("Hemo-proteazsorb®", "LPS-Hemo®", "Anti-IgE-Hemo®") a single application for the purposes of practical medicine of domestic production. Products referred to above is highly competitive due to the price / quality ratio and covers extensive areas of modern medicine (surgery, anesthesiology, critical care medicine, allergology, immunology), used for the treatment of pathologies with high social and economic value (septic shock, pancreatitis, peritonitis, atopic dermatitis et al.)
Since 2015 hemosorbents SP ALC “Farmavit” have been registered in Ukraine
Today hemosorbents produced in SP ALC “Farmavit” successfully used in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia. Great interest in the application of biospecific adsorbents for blood exhibit in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Germany
Director - Svetlana Kurlenko