Sorbent "Anti-IgE-Hemo" for IgE-dependent pathology

Sorbent "Anti-IgE-Hemo" for IgE-dependent pathology

It is well known that the high blood level of IgE is the key element in pathogenesis of most allergic diseases. Taking into account this fact, IgE elimination from blood may lead to improvement in the conditions of allergic patients.

We developed a hemosorbent for selective and effective IgE elimination froin blood. We studied its treatment action and proposed a method of hemosorbent application in patients with drug-resistant allergic and combined bronchial asthma.

As a biospecific ligand the anti-IgE sorbent L-tryptophan was used. Polyacrylamide gel was chosen as a matrix. We carried out experiments to study sorption properties of this sorbent with the plasma of patients after plasmapheresis with high IgE level (500 IUL-1 and higher). Plasma perfusion through the column with this hemosorbent decreased IgE levels in plasma by 40%. Taking into account the obtained rather encouraging experimental data, the developed immunosorbent was used for direct hemosorption to treat patients with allergic and combined variants of bronchial asthma.

There were two groups of patients suffering from the severe form of asthma. Treatment of patients in the first group included standard drug therapy and biospe-cific hemosorption for anti-IgE. The patients in second (control) group were treated only with drug therapy. The treatment of each patient in the first group included three sessions of hemosorption whith 2-3 days intervals. The hemosorption was performed by vein-to-vein mode using a peristaltic pump. An anticoagulant heparin was introduced at the level of 125 ± 25 IUkg-1 of body mass. The hemosorbent was packed in a specially designed single-use unit. The perfusion volume was 1.5-2.0 of the whole circulating blood volume. There were no significant adverse effects noted after hemosorption.

 As a result, treatment of patients in the basic group, using hiospecific hemosorption with "Anti-IgE-Hemo" sorbent decreased the IgE level in plasma by 50%. This decrease correlated with significant improvement of clinical symptoms and laboratory indices of patients. Patients in the control group had no significant clinical or laboratory signs of improvement.

In summary, it can be concluded that the developed biospecific "Anti-IgE-Hemo" sorbent may be widely used to treat patients with severe forms of allergic and combined bronchial asthma, as well as in situations where high IgE level plays a critical role and its reduction may benefit a patient.